Great Ideas in Action
Making my world a more harmonious place.
Carpinus betulus - hornbeam
I found this fantastic picture at the following site - It's from the "people's arboretum" - what a fantastic idea. It's a great web site to - well worth a tour around.
It reminded me of how much I have always loved Kew Gardens. When I first visited this magnificent place it cost 1p to get in! Years later I lived in London & visited it frequently - still very cheap- it was in the days before the sparkly new visitors centre. What a gem.
Wish I could get to the Eden day
What a pretty seasonal picture!
Eden has submitted plans for a wind turbine and has some very accessible information on this subject.
Come that great day when we have our own piece of land a wind turbine will proudly feature as one of our energy sources. We could have done with one this week as for two days in a row we were left with no electricity or a severely restricted supply. The reason why - the supply to this site is being exceeded & we are at the end of the chain so when there is too much use we don't get any - a dramatic demonstration of growing energy use & the need to be self-sufficient!
Onto another great development - BBCI - it may well have saved my marriage- OK that's a bit bold! Poor Mr PoppyM missed his much anticipated viewing of the Survivors (see above!) so I set-to exploring BBCi & found it there. So for the 1st time in his life Mr PoppyM watched a programme on a computer screen with headphone - he was really impressed. And of course as a spin-off from this I know that I can watch Strictly Come Dancing Results on Monday avoiding any clashed & squabbles about Sunday viewing - marvellous!