Wednesday, 13 August 2008

The First real "Thursday Thank You"

This is a big


to lots of medical personnel!

One week ago my much love, but very naughty dog, was spayed. I had been rather appreensive but these misgivings have thankfully all come to nothing. One week on & the scar is almost healed & she has managed a normal, if rather gently-paced walk on the lead. The biggest problem has been a nasty bit of razor rash but that's looking much less angry & sore.
So it's a big thank you to the staff at the Marches vet centre for doing an excellent job. The thank you is for my dog & for my horse who had a very nasty accident a few months ago).
I'm also grateful for Rescue Remedy, homeopathic remedies, aromatherapy oils & Reiki - all of which I put to good use to.

On Tuesday,the 90 year lady who owns the park where I currently live had a heart attack & fall which severly damaged her arm. The medical team spent an hour stabilizing her heart then she was air-lifted to hospital. The next morning she was reportedly sitting up in bed - marvellous news. I'll be visiting her later in the week.
Events such as this act trigger in me immense gratitute, gratitude to the large number of people directly & indirectly getting this lady safely to a hospital bed. From the people who put in-place the procedures for airlifting patients, the designers of the helicopters & ambulances, the producers of medical products to the more obvious medical personnel & concerned friends. What a huge interconnected web of people & materials & ideas all working positivly together to bring about help, support & healing.

I believe that healing energy is all around us if we choose to tap into it: it sometimes uses surprising vehicles. I've grown lots of plants from seeds this year & some of them I planted specifically to use for cut flowers e.g my dwarf sunflowers. But I have only been able to bring myself to cut one sunflower bloom, why? Well I have watched the bees feed from them & feel they need the flowers more than I do (bees are under serious threat globally). Every time I see the sunflower's bold, vibrant faces they make me smile, to me that means they are generating healing energy - an energy that I want to share with everyone who walks or drives past. Flowers are truely "spiritual food" & really do lift the heart & soul - so much from a £2 packet of seed- what amazing value.