Sunday, 17 August 2008

Happy quotes, plants & dogs

Hi again on this windy, gloomy end of August day

Foundation For a Better Life.
I was directed to this site by a friend - what a great site. There is so much gloom in the news & so many people far & near in need, that is sometimes becomes difficult to remain positive & thankful. Get a quote sent your inbox each day & be uplifted!

Foundation For A Better Life

Imagine it is late winter & you have just put some great big seeds in pots, then you have put them to one side (in the greenhouse, on the window sill, in the spare room etc) and waited. Soon you excitedly see lovely shoots emerging & watch these grow into lushious leaves - time to pot on. Then one beautiful day you lovingly put them in the warm, nutritious ground & wish them well with a good watering. Jump to late July. Those seeds are now 8 foot monsters, leaves 6inches across, red flowers humming with bees & festooned with long green beans. Beans, beans everywhere!! However many times this pattern of seed - plant - fruit/flower/vegetable - seed occurs I am always thrilled & it is as if I am watching it for the first time. So Thank You to "nature"/nature spirits/God/the divine spark - whatever it is that makes it happen - Thank You.

Until this year, when I began growing brassicas for the first time, I had really looked forward to seeing butterflies. It has come as a bit of a shock to realize that those pretty, almost weightless fragile dots of life are MONSTERS!!! I find it hard to describe the mixed emotions I felt seeing my baby broccoli plants, with their rapidly expandly, dark-green healthy leaves, covered in eggs & holes! I have searched to strike a balance between the needs of the butterflies & my need for food!!!So this is it - fine netting over the brassicas except for one large unidentifed wild sown brassica & no attempt to save my nasturtiums. I now have a large leafy plant with great holes in it's leaves & lots & lots of leaf stalk but few leaves on some of the nasturiums. I don't eat the latter & have really enjoyed them for months so the loss of them seems a small price to pay for my peace of mind. (More on battles with invading creatures on another post).

Monday Moments
It gives me pleasure to tell you all out there that a good friend has re-started her Monday Moments slot. I really enjoyed that first batch so I'll be eagerly visiting the new site of these thoughts

ust a few words on another of my enthusiams - dogs. Those hairy creatures that are always there for you with:
* paws that have stomped in fox poo,
* a back caked in horse-pat,
* a lick after they have just eaten a bowl of smellie dog food,
and not forgetting
* the unforgettable "arome de pond water" now all over the car!!!